Highly inflammatory topic, but...
Compositionally, the thing's pretty solid. Good graphics, sound wasn't taking up 3 megabytes of space. Well-constructed, except for the end - I would have put something else there - you leave the "dancing Hitler" thing there waaaaay too long and the viewer becomes bored.
That said...
Your topic choice leaves a *lot* to be desired. Comparing Bush to Hitler is like comparing a CD to a box of chocolate.
Bush has not committed NEARLY the number nor kind of atrocities that Hitler purposely inflicted on the Jews or the Germans. I know of many "liberals" that would be at least irked by your portrayal of the president as Hitler, and many more that would be frothing at the mouth over it. You may dislike his policies, you may dislike him, you may even dislike the war - but he is the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
Hell, even AL GORE came out in support of how Bush has handled this situation. What would you rather we have done? Let Iraq sit there and stew, along with other hotbeds of anti-American sentiment until ANOTHER 9/11 happens? I, for one, do not relish that thought.
Oh, and plastering an altered swastika on top of the silouhette of the United States AND OUR FLAG is a REAL good way to earn friends.
You received a 2 in the voting - purely on technical merit. Had you not put this together as well as you have, it would have earned a 0.
Good day - and I suggest you do a little more research on the Hitler regime before you go comparing presidents to dictators.